
Purpose and goals Lidice Memory

Lidice Memory is an association, founded on 29th July 2020 in Lidice.


The horrible act of the German Nazis committed in the village of Lidice and concerned its inhabitants is internationally evaluated as a crime against humanity. For this reason, Lidice Memory will take care of the Lidice heritage and from the long-term perspective will especially commemorate and spread the historical legacy of Lidice.


Only in this way can be preserved the name Lidice as a symbol of defiance and solidarity in the fight for freedom and democracy for the future generations.



To defend the freedom and democracy of the Czech Republic

To empower the national pride and human dignity and to be taintless

To comment on current social issues

To protect the memory of the nation

To advocate that post-war measures for a free Europe will be unquestionable and constant

To revere the truth of the historical interpretation of the history of the struggle for freedom

To aspire of the objective assessment of the significance of the history for the future generations

How to achieve goals

To fulfil the mission of LIDICE MEMORY through the proper own behaviour, activities and attitude
To establish contact with similar associations in the Czech Republic and abroad
To cooperate with various organizations from places in the world that were similarly affected as Lidice
To extend the membership base with new members, collectives and groups of people from the Czech Republic and other countries
To support the cooperation with the Lidice Memorial and with the municipal board of the Lidice village
To take part in the commemorative and reverent events
To organize together with the Lidice Memorial and / or with the municipality of Lidice various activities with a focus on education (such as lectures, discussions, seminars, workshops, brainstorming, etc.)